Sructured Water Research Articles 
The Science of Structured Water

Hexahedron 999® Vortex Water Technology 

Proprietary Research conducted and claimed by E. Excelex - All Rights Reserved

"Let There Be Light
In Your Water
and Your Food "

Although the subject of Structured Water may be new to a lot of people ... There has been a great deal of scientific research done around this topic in the past 10 to 20 years.

The most predominant researcher has been Dr. Mu Shik Jhon who has published nearly 300 scientific papers on the subject of Structured Water.  Dr. Jhon founded The Korean Academy of Science and Technology and served as its second Chairman of the Board.   According to Dr. Jhon,  “All water is not created equal and it is the structure of the water within our bodies that ultimately determines health or sickness.”

Through his substantial research, Dr. Jhon developed the “Molecular Water Environment Theory” which he presented in 1986 to a group of scientists at a cancer symposium in the United States.  This theory proposes that replenishing the Hexagonal Water in our bodies can increase vitality, slow the aging process and prevent disease.  And that drinking Hexagonal Water is the only realistic way of replenishing this vital component of our bodies.

His test results using NMR Technology scientifically verified that structured water penetrates the cells of the human body much faster, and supplied nutrients and oxygen more efficiently than unstructured water.  Thus, helping with nutrient absorption and waste removal.  When hexagonal water replaced the unstructured water in the body, cell water turnover and cellular metabolism were enhanced ... positively affecting many other bodily functions.  Dr. Jhon concluded that structured water aids metabolic processes, supports the immune system and contributes to lasting vitality.

In his studies of structured water and proteins Dr. Jhon found that water surrounding normal protein (cells) was formed into hexagonal structures.  On the other hand, the water surrounding abnormal (cancer-causing) proteins had an increased number of pentagonal structures and a significantly decreased number of hexagonal structures.  Dr Jhon also found that the water surrounding normal DNA was highly hexagonally structured, which acts to stabilize the helical structure of the DNA, and forms a layer of protection against outside influences which could cause malfunctions or distortions within the DNA.

It was also discovered that structured hexagonal water has the greatest energetic capacity ... it has a greater capacity to perform work, to expel wastes, to absorb temperature changes and to protect against various energetic influences.

Dr. Jhon was a world-class scholar and the "hexagonal structure of water" is in fact an important discovery and worthy of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (or Physics).  Unfortunately, Dr. Jhon did not live to see that happen.  To view a brief and non-exhaustive excerpt of his C.V., which was provided to us by a close personal friend of Dr. Jhon and his family, click here (PDF) .

NOTE:  Since this article was written in 2006 there has been substantial research done on structured water.  In 2013 Prof. Gerald H. Pollack published his book "The Fourth Phase of Water" which he calls EZ Water.  This book is a must read for anyone interested in structured water.  See Videos.

The science of tomorrow will prove or disprove our theories
The results of today will change our lives

Article 9

The following twelve (12) articles presents the original research conducted by Mr. and Mrs. Excelex in 2006 with the aid of a Somatoscope

Article 1    Article 2    Article 3    Article 4    Article 5    Article 6   Article 7   Article 8    Article 9    Article 10    Article 11     Article 12   


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Blue Line Large - Hexahedron 999 Vortex Revitalized Structured Water
Small Change with a Big Environmental Impact using Hexahedron 999

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