"Let There Be Light
In Your Water
and Your Food "
The Positively charged Hydrogen
is attracted to the negatively-charged Oxygen
The stronger the hydrogen bonds between the molecules … the more structured the water will be … and the higher the surface tension. All three are directly interrelated. Contrarily, when the hydrogen bonding is reduced … the star formation or structure of the water breaks down … causing a lower surface tension. Thus, the very definition of Structured Water directly implies an increase in surface tension … Learn More This contradicts some commonly accepted theories about structured water and surface tension.
Thus, the hydrogen bonding is accomplished through numerous layers of the water molecules … each layer increases the complexity of the structure and also increases the capillarity effect. (Note: see link below)
The capillarity effect is of vital importance for all living organisms. Capillarity simply means the upward flow of liquid through a small tube defying the force of gravity. In other words, it is the ability of plants to draw water through their roots and tendrils … and for liquid to move through all of the interstitial spaces of the human or animal body. Thus, the more complex the level of hexagonal structural organization the greater will be the capillarity effect. And a stronger and more efficient capillarity provides better hydration and feeding of the nutrients.
NOTE: Since this article was written in 2006 there has been substantial research done on structured water. In 2013 Gerald H. Pollack published his book "The Fourth Phase of Water" which he calls EZ Water. This book is a must read for anyone interested in structured water. See Videos. The INTRO video shows the layering (mentioned above) of Structured Water at about 19:00
#Hexahedron999 #999Water #HexahedronWater #Hexahedron999Water #ExcelexWater #VortexWater #RevitalizedWater #BiophotonWater #ResonanceWater #StructuredWater #AliveWater #LivingWater #SuperStructuredWater #EnergizedWater #PhotonicWater #SuperHydration